Enhanced Infection Control in Action & Working for You!Pearl City, HI
At Diamond Head Dental Care we take infection control seriously, going above and beyond the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and the American Dental Association. Below lists some of our enhanced infection control protocols beyond the normal standards and requirements during COVID-19, that is continuously being refined and expanded:
- Pre-appointment screening questionnaire
- Thermal scan at appointment check-in
- Face shields
- N-95 respirators
- Hypochlorous acid foggers
- H2O2 pre-rinse
- Air purification
- Vacuum technology
- Minimization of aerosol by adjusting dental treatment techniques
- Limiting patient and staff counts
We take pride in being on the forefront of technology and infection control. We hope our efforts maintain a safer environment for everyone.
What to expect at your next visit?
Please come alone to your appointment (family members or friends will be asked to wait outside). If you're a minor, you may be accompanied by one adult only.
At your next appointment you will need to answer the following screening questionnaire as well as pass a thermal scan requiring a temperature below 100.4 degrees:
- Have you (or anyone in your household):
- Had contact with anyone confirmed with COVID-19 in the past 10 days (positive COVID-19 test result or diagnosed with COVID-19 by licensed healthcare provider)?
- Currently waiting for a COVID-19 test results?
- Been told by a licensed healthcare provider that you are suspected to have COVID-19?
- Have you (or anyone in your household) traveled outside Hawaii in the past 10 days and were told to quarantine by the State of Hawaii?
- Have you (or anyone in your household) had close contact with anyone mandated to quarantine by the State of Hawaii who traveled outside Hawaii in the past 10 days?
- Are you (or anyone in your household) currently experiencing:
- Fever or chills
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Fatigue
- Muscle/body aches
- New loss of taste/smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion/runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Have you (or anyone in your household) had a fever higher than 100.4ο in the past 10 days or taken fever-reducing medication to treat a fever?
**Please verify the above information prior to your next visit**
Assure you answered "NO" to all of the above. If you answered "YES" to any question(s), please contact our office at 808-735-8883 immediately.
Mahalo and kokua for you assistance in keeping Diamond Head Dental Care a safe place for everyone.
Diamond Head Dental Care is located at 1160 Kuala Street, Suite 200, Pearl City, HI 96782.